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Professeur des universités (UGA)


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Bâtiment : Nanobio

Bureau : 203


Department of Molecular Chemistry-I2BM

570 rue de la chimie, CS 40700

38058 Grenoble- Cedex 9- France

Oligonucleotides, Aptamers, Catalysis, Aptasensors

Disciplines scientifiques

Discipline(s) scientifique(s)

Chimie Bioorganique

Synthèse et conjugaison d'oligonucléotides


General and Organic Chemistry

Curriculum vitae

Nicolas Spinelli obtained its Ph.D. in bioorganic chemistry in 2001 from University Montpellier II (supervisor Dr. J.-J. Vasseur) on the synthesis of oligonucleotides prodrugs. After his Ph.D., he joined the group of Dr. B. Mandrand (UMR 2714 CNRS/bioMérieux, ENS Lyon) where he worked on the synthesis of oligonucleotides conjugated with pyrrole and ferrocene moieties and their use in electrochemical DNA biosensors. He joined the DCM (Grenoble) in 2005 where he obtained an Assistant Professor position in 2006 and a full professor position in 2022. His current researches efforts are focused on the synthesis of oligonucleotides conjugates especially for sensors applications. He obtained accreditation to supervise research (HDR) in 2013.

Publié le 13 décembre 2023

Mis à jour le 18 décembre 2023