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Bioélectrochimie pour les capteurs, l’énergie et les nanomatériaux

BioCEN’s activity is focused on molecular electrochemistry and bioelectrochemistry with the development of electrode materials whose applications include analytical chemistry with biological sensors (enzyme electrodes, immunosensors, aptasensors and DNA sensors), bioreactors and electrochemical biomimetic systems, energy conversion, biofuel cells and abiotic fuel cells.

The group gained high reputation in the conception of innovative immobilization strategies for biomolecules involving chemical and photochemical grafting or formation of host-guest interactions or affinity interactions. Remarkable achievement of such immobilization principles are based on electrogenerated functional conductive polymers, inorganic clay materials and, lately, 3D nanostructured electrode materials like functionalized carbon nanotube deposits, buckypapers or carbon nanotubes intercalated with nano-objects like graphene, organic or metallic nanoparticles, or nanodiamonds.

Beside the expertises in the synthesis of functional monomers and modifications of nanostructured supports for immobilizing biomolecules, the BioCEN team is highly experienced in the transduction of (bio-)molecular recognition and biological conversion of energy. Electrochemical methods like amperometry and impedance measurements, gravimetry using quartz cristal microbalance (QCM), and optical detection are to highlight. Additionally, within the scientific structure ‘Nanobio’ in Grenoble, the plateau "Functionalization and Transduction" has been integrated in the group allowing the availability of highly sophisticated facilities for the miniaturization of the developed systems.


Logo BioCEN

Team leader

+33 (0) 4 56 52 08 11 (Michael[dot]Holzinger[at]univ-grenoble-alpes[dot]fr)

Régine ROZAND (regine[dot]rozand[at]univ-grenoble-alpes[dot]fr)

Where to find us

Publié le 20 mars 2018

Mis à jour le 8 décembre 2023