Chargée de recherche (CNRS)
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Bâtiment : Nanobio
Bureau : 108
Laboratoire I2BM - Bâtiment NanoBio
DCM - Département de Chimie Moléculaire
UMR CNRS 5250, Université Grenoble Alpes
570 rue de la Chimie, CS 40700
38058 Grenoble cedex 9, France
Site web :
Curriculum vitae
Research interests:
I use different surface functionalization and physico-chemical characterization techniques to study self-assembly of molecules at functional surfaces and to develop stimuli-responsive systems suitable for biomedical applications
Surface chemistry, physico-chemical characterization, supramolecular interactions
Current position:
2022 Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, Université Grenoble Alpes
since 2015 CNRS researcher (CRCN, section 13), in 2019 changed affectation from PPSM (ENS Paris-Saclay) to DCM (UGA), where I joined the I2BM group
Collective responsibilities:
- Elected member of the CNRS National Committee, section 13 (2021-2025)
- Correspondante Open Science & HAL for DCM, UGA (since 2022)
Previous post-doc positions:
2015 ENS Paris (France), Temperature-switchable nano-capsules (Ch. Tribet)
2012-2014 CIC biomaGUNE (Spain), Multivalent binding to surfaces (R. Richter)
2011 ISM, Université Bordeaux 1 (France), Photo-active monolayers (D. Bassani)
2009-2010 DCM, UGA (France), Redox-switchable supramolecular films (I2BM)
Lomonosov Moscow State University (Russia), Chemistry Department
2005-2008 PhD in Physical Chemistry, Electrochemical biosensors (I. Kurochkin)
2000-2005 Graduate studies, M.Sc. in Chemistry
Selected publications:
1. Submicrometre spatiotemporal characterization of the Toxoplasma adhesion strategy for gliding motility, L. Vigetti, B. Touquet, D. Debarre, T. Rose, L. Bureau, D. Abdallah, G. V. Dubacheva* & I. Tardieux*, Nat. Microbiol., 2024
2. Influence of surface chemistry on host/guest interactions: model study on redox-sensitive β-cyclodextrin/ferrocene complexes, B. Chabaud, H. Bonnet, R. Lartia, A. Van Der Heyden, R. Auzély-Velty, D. Boturyn, L. Coche-Guérente, G. V. Dubacheva*, Langmuir, 40, 4646–4660, 2024
3. Determinants of superselectivity – practical concepts for application in biology and medicine, G. V. Dubacheva, T. Curk and R. P. Richter*, Acc. Chem. Res. 56, 729-739, 2023
4. Controlling superselectivity of multivalent interactions with cofactors and competitors, T. Curk*, G. V. Dubacheva, A. R. Brisson and R. P. Richter*, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 144, 17346-17350, 2022
5. Thermoresponsive Fluorescence Switches Based on Au@pNIPAM Nanoparticles, D. Kamzabek, B. Le Dé, L. Coche-Guérente, F. Miomandre and G. V. Dubacheva*, Langmuir, 37, 10971–10978, 2021
6. Multivalent recognition at fluid surfaces: the interplay of receptor clustering and superselectivity, G. V. Dubacheva*, T. Curk, D. Frenkel, R. P. Richter*, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 141, 2577−2588, 2019
7. Bacteria-based production of thiol-clickable genetically encoded lipid nanovesicles, J. Royes, O. Ilioaia, Q. Lubart, F. Angius, G. V. Dubacheva, M. Bally, B. Miroux*, C. Tribet*, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 131, 7473−7477, 2019
8. Combined scanning electrochemical and fluorescence microscopies using a tetrazine as a single redox and luminescent (electrofluorochromic) probe. L. Guerret-Legras, J. F. Audibert, G. V. Dubacheva and F. Miomandre*, Chem. Sci., 9, 5897-5905, inside cover, 2018
9. Controlling Multivalent Binding through Surface Chemistry: Model Study on Streptavidin, G. V. Dubacheva*, C. Araya-Callis, A. Geert Volbeda, M. Fairhead, J. Codée, M. Howarth, and R. P. Richter*, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 139, 4157–4167, 2017
10. Designing multivalent polymers for tunable superselective targeting, G. V. Dubacheva*, T. Curk, R. Auzély-Velty, D. Frenkel, R. P. Richter*, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 112, 5579-84, 2015
11. Superselective targeting using multivalent polymers, G. V. Dubacheva*, T. Curk, B. M. Mognetti, R. Auzély-Velty, D. Frenkel, R. P. Richter*, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 136, 1722–1725, 2014
Informations complémentaires
Supervised students:
Flavia Amanda Pedroso (postdoc, 100%, DCM, 2024)
Baptiste Chabaud (PhD, 100%, DCM, 2022-25)
Furhan Abdul Rezak (PhD, 50%, IAB/DCM, 2023-26)
Wanchung Chiang (PhD, 50%, LIPHY/DCM, 2024-27)
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