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Professeur des universités (UGA)


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Bâtiment : Chimie C

Bureau : 312C

Tél. : 0476187818

Curriculum vitae
Cyrille Costentin received his undergraduate education at Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay and pursued his graduate studies at the University Paris Diderot where he received his Ph.D. in 2000 under the guidance of Prof. J-M. Savéant. After a postdoc at the University of Rochester, he joined the faculty at the University of Paris Diderot as Associate Professor in 2001. He was promoted Professor in 2007. His area of expertise includes mechanisms and reactivity in electron transfer chemistry with particular recent emphasis on electrochemical and theoretical approaches to proton-coupled electron transfer processes and catalytic processes for small molecule activation. He is an expert in molecular electrochemistry and was a Visiting Scholar at Harvard University from 2016 to 2019 working with Prof. D. G. Nocera. In September 2019 he joined the Département de Chimie Moléculaire at the Université Grenoble-Alpes where he is leading the group “Electrochimie Moléculaire et Photochimie Redox”.
2016 Air Liquid Award on Essential Small Molecules
2022 Prix Chercheur Confirmé Division Chimie -Physique de la Société Chimique de France
2024 Jaroslav Heyrovski Prize in Molecular Electrochemistry from the International Society of Electrochemistry

Publié le 7 décembre 2023

Mis à jour le 3 octobre 2024