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Directrice de recherche (CNRS) (CNRS)


Profile picture for user dubocc


Bâtiment : Chimie C

Bureau : bureau 125

Tél. : 0476748877

Réseaux sociaux :

Réseaux sociaux

My current research interests are in the design of bio-inspired complexes containing metal-sulfur bond(s) to develop catalysts for the activation of small molecules via multi-redox processes.

Keywords: Bio-Inorganic Chemistry - Molecular Catalysis (homogeneous & heterogeneous) - O2 activation & reduction - H2 production - CO2 reduction - Mechanism - Electrocatalysis - Thiolate-based ligands- Multielectronic processes

Disciplines scientifiques

Discipline(s) scientifique(s)

Coordination Chemistry - Molecular Catalysis - Physical Chemistry- Spectroscopy


Current activities

2021- In charge of the UE BioInorganic Chemistry, Health & Energy, Master II Chemistry
2021- In charge of the Master II Chemistry for Life Science

Curriculum vitae

Current Position

Since 2024, Senior CNRS Researcher (DR Classe Exceptionnelle)

Current Activities

2022-       Chair of the Cross-Disciplinary Project, DefiCO2 (funded by the IdEx of UGA)
2021-       Chair of ARCANE Excellence Laboratory Network (LABEX) for bio-driven chemistry
2020-       Associate Editor of JACS Au
2019-       Scientific board member of the EUR "Chemistry, Biology & Health" of the UGA

Awards & Distinctions

2024         Nominated @ the Nierdersächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen (Saxon Academy of Sciences)
2022         Senior Researcher Award of the French Chemical Society, Division of Coordination Chemistry
2016         Nominated @ AcademiaNet: The portal to excellent women academics
2007         CNRS Bronze Medal
2007         Young Researcher Award of the French Chemical Society, Division of Physical Chemistry

Previous Positions

2017          Senior CNRS researcher (DR1) @ the Department of Molecular Chemistry
2010          Senior CNRS researcher (DR2) @ the Department of Molecular Chemistry

2007          Junior CNRS researcher @ the Department of Molecular Chemistry
2000          Junior CNRS researcher @ the High Magnetic Field Laboratory

1998          Postdoctoral position @ the University of Minnesota (Bill Tolman)
1995          Doctoral position @ the University Joseph Fourier, Grenoble  (Marc Fontecave & Stéphane Ménage)


How we can take inspiration from Nature to design performant catalysts

Illustration of the bio-inspired strategy

Chemical strategies to optimize electrocatalysts for H2 production......


PhD position open

Electrochemical Hydrogenation of unsaturated C-O bonds using molecular complexes; CO2 conversion

PhD position is open for a highly motivated candidate in The Depatment of Molecular Chemisty, in Grenoble.

more information here /sites/default/files/Mediatheque/Page_perso/PhD%20sujet.pdf

Publié le 14 décembre 2023

Mis à jour le 10 juillet 2024