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Doctorante (UGA)


Profile picture for user willerym


Bâtiment : Chimie C

Bureau : 237

Réseaux sociaux :

Réseaux sociaux

Molecular catalysts, ammonia oxidation

Disciplines scientifiques

Discipline(s) scientifique(s)

Molecular chemistry and electrochemistry

Curriculum vitae


  • 2024-2027 : PhD - Development of molecular catalysts for ammonia oxidation 
  • 2023-2024​ : 2nd year of International Master's Degree in Chemistry option Chemistry For Life Science (M2),  Université Grenoble-Alpes​
  • 2022-2023​ : International Master's Degree in Chemistry (M2), Université Grenoble-Alpes​
  • 2019-2022 ​: Bachelor's degree in Chemistry option Biochemistry, ​Université Grenoble-Alpes​



INTERNSHIPS in the EMPRe team at DCM (Grenoble) ​

Tutors: Dr. COLLOMB Marie-Noëlle et Dr. FORTAGE Jérôme​

  • January -July 2024 - (M2, 7 months) :​ Synthesis and characterization of new macrocyclic ligand complexes as catalysts for proton reduction in H2 (HER) or CO2 reduction (CO2RR)​
  • April-July 2023 - (M1, 2 months and voluntary internship, 1.5 months) : Synthesis and spectro-electrochemical characterization of cobalt tetra- and penta-azamacrocycles complexes​
  • January 2022 - (L3, 1 month) ​: Spectro-electrochemical study of a cobalt complex with phenanthroline bisimine ligand

1. Margaux Willery, Paul-Gabriel Julliard, Florian Molton, Fabrice Thomas, Jérôme Fortage,* Cyrille Costentin,* and Marie-Noelle Collomb*

Mechanism of Electrochemical Proton Reduction Catalyzed by a Cobalt Tetraaza Schiff Base Macrocyclic Complex: Ligand Protonation and/or Influence of the Chloro      Ligand?, ACS Catal. 202414, 11352-11365. DOI : 10.1021/acscatal.4c03061

Publié le 15 octobre 2024

Mis à jour le 15 octobre 2024