Directeur de recherche (CNRS) (CNRS)
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Curriculum vitae
Alan Le Goff received a PhD degree in 2006 at the University of Brest on the synthesis and electrochemistry of biomimetic iron- and molybdenum-sulfur clusters of redox enzymes. He worked as a research associate at CEA Saclay, then in the Carbon Nanotechnology Group at the University of Trieste (Italy) before moving to the University of Grenoble in 2009 as a CNRS researcher. His research interests focus on molecular electrochemistry, bioelectrochemistry, bioinorganic chemistry and functionalisation of surfaces and nanomaterials. He works on the synthesis and electrochemistry of redox-active nanostructured materials for activation of small molecules by metalloenzymes and bio-inspired complexes, for enzymatic and bioinspired sensors, fuel cells and electrolyzers.
Board Member of the French Society for Bioinorganic Chemistry
Member of the International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE)
Member of the biolectrochemistry french group
Awards and Distinctions
2023: Senior Researcher Award from the Energy Inter-division of the French Chemical Society
2017: Young Researcher Award from the Physical Chemistry Division of the French Chemical Society
2009: Young Researcher Award in Science from the Région Bretagne
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